Category: Trustwave SSL

Trustwave Code Signing

Trustwave Code Signing Description

Does your company develop applications? Do you cut code? If you want to stop those nasty operating system warnings that appear when your customers download and run your software, Code Signing is what you need.

Trustwave Code Signing certificates are strongly recommended for any software vendor or company that distributes or plans to distribute content and/or code to customers and wishes to ensure the integrity of their data, such as:

The Trustwave Code Signing Certificate features 256-Bit encryption, and includes a $100,000 identification guarantee and free re-issues for the life of the certificate.

Buy New OR Renew Your Trustwave Code Signing

Adobe Air Application Code Signing
Trustwave Digital Certificates can be used to digitally sign software that you create with the Adobe tools and distribute with Adobe Air. Our expert staff can help you sign your application and start doing business.

Apple Mac OS X Application Code Signing
Trustwave Digital certificates can be used to digitally sign software that you create for the Macintosh Operating System.

Windows Application Code Signing
Whether you're writing an application for Microsoft Windows or for an embedded control in an Internet Explorer web page, Trustwave code signing digital certificates are here to help you maintain your customers trust when they use your applications.